Saturday, September 16, 2006

Catching up

email to lainey
Sean is getting closer and closer to being finished. The other day, he picked me up from the metro and we were talking and he said, "Yeah, I have outlined the disertation." It sort of hit me that he is so close, and that means we might be moving somewhere else in a few years. I am getting so used to being here. I really love it here, so it will be hard to leave. But that won't be for at least two years. Even if he finishes in the next year and a half, I am going to apply to work as an administrator in the new Upper School for Capital City. I have been working on the steering committee and planning the curriculum, going to conferences, etc. It has been a great learning expericence and has given me an opportunity to learn about creating schools, especially Coalition Schools. They have such a great philosophy for teaching and school design. Anyway, it has been exciting and tiring all at the same time.

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